Friday 11 April 2008


The obscene, vulgar, disrespectful and offensive language along with expressions, gestures or other social behaviours which are most widely interpreted as insulting, rude and improper toward people’s ethics, moral values and ideals. Even though we are towards the end of the 21st century there is still a proportion of the humankind who believes that, we are facing a huge crisis in how some people behave or interact in certain situations. Biased by religious superstitions, governments and other social parties which seek to control every aspect of our lives, they are protesting that taboo words are corrupting our values. They fell that, Profanity has no place among individuals who respect each other and them selves. Additionally they suggest that swearing, shouting and all that dirty, bad-mannered gestures, words and behaviours degrade our societies and therefore should be criminalised and exiled from all public places and our vocabulary. In contrast experts point out that, the idea that specific sound sequences are disrespectful and offensive to some people is rather an ancient perception. Not just because we have labelled some sequences of sounds, which can very much vary from language to language and from culture to culture, with some subjective uncomfortable situations, means that we should limited our freedom of speech. On the other hand, as philosophy has taught us, we should tolerate those things we find offensive or criticising our beliefs and values. With Freedom and Liberty also comes tolerance and the more we try to regulate freedom of speech and expression we invite tyranny and suppression. Moreover, a word’s meaning and importance can change over time; many words that could be misinterpreted back in 1900, like the words thigh or breast, today are perfectly normal to use in public…or aren’t they…? Lenny Bruce was a sarcastic comedian, a brilliant insider and the last man who went to jail in America in 1961, because of the practice of profanity in public during his shows. Finally, in 1963 he was refused permission to enter Britain for the same reasons and eventually his show was banned both in England and Australia.

1 comment:

Teleka said...

Well the suggestion that swearing, shouting and all that dirty, bad-mannered gestures, words and behaviours are degrading our society so should be criminalised and evapourated from all public places and our vocabulary is certainly out of touch with reality. Whoever came up with that idea well is certainly playing god. If god couldn't stop us from sinning, who the hell is going to stop us from swearing if you see my point. Yes we know its bad but in what context people say bad things everyday but they don't always mean what they say literally. So If anything we should have a dictionary for slang or broken english. My point is different upbringings create different ideologies so how one person interprets offencive language is based on the life style he lives. If your well to do and never hear inproper words and live in say Cambridge then deciding to move to 'ghetto' an inner city area is really not a good idea unless your bankrupt. In this case the person would definely would have to change his whole perception and outlook on what words he will decide to use in order to survive.