Thursday 10 April 2008


Now tattooing, along with piercing, is the most well known available form of body modification all over the world. Apart of curse, the use of make-up, high heels, cutting/dying your hair, body building and dieting which today are falsely considered as entirely normal aspects of our natural state as humans. Numerous cultures and religions such as the Japanese, the Indy or tribes from the Polynesian islands, Africa and the Native Americans have embraced tattooing as part of their very existence and way of life centuries ago. The rest humankind has also adopted tattooing from time to time as link to aesthetics, expression and beauty. Extensive body tattoos that cover most of the entire body are associated with circus performers, as well as with the traditional Japanese tattooing. They incorporated tattoos as extensions of their very bodies and souls and each one is exceptionally beautiful. Additionally, the Maori are very famous for their Mokos; a face tattoo that serves cultural and religious purposes as well. Each Moko is always a unique tattoo and could narrate one’s life story by itself. Maori have been very proud and very serious about their mokos and any misuse by foreigners is considered a blasphemy towards them, their religion and culture. In addition, Native American tribes use different tattoos in order to separate and identify different tribes and individuals. Moreover, in the American Indians societies after winning a war the men often receive tattoos indicating their success and victory. From my point of view no one ought to copy a tattoo from another. If I was going to choose something to mark myself with until I die I would like it to be something uniquely beautiful to me. I would seek to find something more than just a pattern, something that would actually be a part of my heritage, beliefs and me. I would consider elements that are parts or extensions of my existence and essence, no one else’s.

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