Tuesday 6 May 2008


On the lecture on religion, we didn’t examine the intellectual approach upon religion but the alternative forms of religion and their characteristics. In addition, we discussed some of the features of the different religious parties and cults; and how they are linked to the dominant culture. I am Greek Cypriot myself and a member of the Christian Orthodox Church of Cyprus since birth; and as I grew up I was tough everything that mostly every Christian is tough through church, school and family. As a teenager I was very interested in, if what we were being informed about God, Christ and everything that comes along, were actually correspond to truth and validity. In a sense, I was the repel kind of boy that seek to questioned and trouble every kind of authority; but as far as faith’s concern, I surely wanted to believe but I needed to believe in something real. In some point, I came across with dead ends, maybe because I didn’t ask the right questions or because I didn’t questioned the right people. Eventually I rejected various elements of the Christian teaching and I focused more on attributes that I consider more suitable, valuable and humanly correct; and embraced them in my everyday thinking and reasoning. I chose not to think about God, Christ and devil particularly but believe in the things that they represent via the religion that was chosen for me. Things like kindness, love, respect, understanding and forgiveness or infidelity, theft, murder and meanness; I labelled them with names which essentially is something that everybody does. Until recently, I felt a little odd towards God and Christianity but few days ago I came across with a documentary that really rocked my world. It is called ZEITGEIST and it refers to three current global concerns: Religion, terrorism and globalization. The first part, which is about religions and mostly Christianity, is the one that I never though or told about even as the most wicked science fiction story. When you will see you would get my point but in simple words it states with facts that, “The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun”. I don’t know if everything that stated is true because I wasn’t the one that discovered all that facts on Christianity and the rest; but it was surely what I needed to put me again on the track for finding the truth behind the ‘illusions’.

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