Tuesday 1 April 2008


When I think the word ‘stalking’ the first thing that pops into my head is that picture… a vicious predator animal is stalking on his pray in order to satisfy the greatest desire of all, the desire to eat... What stalking is and means when it comes to humans is not that much of a difference. Stalking in many cases can be considered as a mental condition where the mentally distressed, the predator is criminally pursues and harassing someone, damaging or harming him/her either mentally or physically, his/her social life, family or friends. It’s the hunger to satisfy desires such as obsession, dependency or jealousy. Nearly 60 percent of women and 30 percent of men are stalked by a current partner (Tjaden and Thoennes, 1998). Haven’t you ever picked up your partner’s mobile phone and just check the last calls and messages? I agree that stalking may be a serious crime in some cases and that it can cost a great damage to the victims and their surroundings indeed. On the other hand, I feel that people got a little bit out of their heads when start and generalizing things got panicked as always. Is it that bad to just stare to a beautiful woman walking down the street? Is it stalking because you just stopped and cherished beauty? How about sending flowers to someone at their home or gifts to their work? According to NSW Police Force and Government it is…

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