Sunday 9 March 2008

Theft and Shoplifting

Do you think theft is a bad thing? If you ask that question to people, obviously the most possible answer you would get is HELL YEAH! Before I share my view on the issue with you, I would like to consider first another similar question. What is theft and or makes it happen? Well a possible answer to that question could be, because in our world we have the people, the material goods and the cash: People who have the cash can buy the material goods in order to live; and people who don’t have the cash to buy the material goods, they steal them instead in order to live. And that’s how we have a problem such as theft to take place. In our equation though, if we take out the cash we will still have the people and the material goods. Everybody can access them and so no theft is needed. Now, another argument is raised because all good in theory but in practice, things could be very different indeed. Can our solution to the problem be applied practically? Can we really take out the cash but still have all we need to live a decent life? Some will suggest that, a potential solution is globalization. Despite the fact that, others will argue that something like that could never work in our world as an idea sounds very inspiring to me. Finally, I am not sure if that could happen in our days but I think it’s a cool future for our kind to lead into. In the mean while check out Shoplifters to learn all about the art of shoplifting.

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