Thursday 6 March 2008


After our lecture on masturbation and a couple of posts I have look at on blogger I also wonder what is the problem after all for people to masturbate, talk about it or even have a proper education on the issue masturbation and sexuality in general. You know back in 1980’s only the word “masturbation” could meant a terrible crime/sin against God, your family, your friends, your whole country for God sakes; even against your self. Just follow the link Masturbation and the Bible and you will get an idea (also check out the picture-top of the screen in the link). In contrast, today masturbation has been mostly accepted by individuals as something that is not a crime or sin to do. Doctors and other scientists have supported that masturbation is perfectly normal and they even suggesting it in certain cases. Now people in an attempt to explore their nature talk about it more but there are some remains of the previous taboos in many of us still. On the other hand, the most interesting thing as well as enjoyable I must say, it was to read an article with the title “Masturbation Marathon London”. Apparently, this is the new trend for raising money for charity, first established in U.S.A about five years ago. The exciting thing is that there is even a World record of someone masturbating for about 8 and half hours there!

PS: I would’t mind to go for that record…who cares to join me..? To bad it was two years ago…J it could have been a nice place for our field trip too, because I just heard today that the Camden Town market in London, was burn down a couple of weeks ago for an odd reason that i am not aware of…. L

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